B&T Kitchens and Baths presents "Friendly Feud"

As a sponsor of the Mid-Atlantic Home and Outdoor Living Show, we will be hosting a game show style presentation called "Friendly Feud" - The Kitchen Edition at 1 PM March 31st - April 2nd, 2017 at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. Our presentation will focus on the Fears of a Kitchen Remodel which is a common concern we hear from potential clients. Taking on a "kitchen remodel" is very daunting, but attempting to do it yourself or hearing stories of absentee Contractors can make anyone postpone the decision of a kitchen or bath remodel. Our hope is to shed those fears when you know you have selected the right kitchen and bath remodeling company for your project. As a team, our primary goal is to have happy customers and to make your next kitchen remodel one that was well worth the investment and a memorable experience. Visit us at the show to speak to one of our designers who can walk you through our process!
Filed Under: Upcoming Events